What’s new in 2019 Income Year for Individual

Tax Return time has come for 2019, and ANG Partners has summarized a few key things you need to know!

Changes in Personal Income Tax Rate in 2019 Income Year:

Top threshold of 32.5% personal income bracket has been INCREASED from $87,000 to $90,000 for resident Individuals, non-resident individuals and Working Holiday Makers.

Personal Income Tax Rates for residents is illustrated as the following table:

Rate% Taxable Income Tax (AUD)
0 0 – $18,200 Nil
19 $18,201 – $37,000 To 3,572
32.5 $37,001 – $90,000 To 20,797
37 $90,001 – $180,000 To 54,097
45 $180,001+ 54,097+

Personal Income Tax Rates for non-resident individuals:

Rate% Taxable Income Tax (AUD)
32.5 0 – $90,000 To 29,250
37 $90,001 – $180,000 To 62,550
45 $180,001+ 62,550+


Personal Income Tax Rates for working holiday makers:

Rate% Taxable Income Tax (AUD)
15 0 – $37,000 To 5,550
32.5 $37,001 – $90,000 To 22,775
37 $90,001 – $180,000 To 56,075
45 $180,001+ 56,075+


The Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (‘LAMITO’):

Australian resident individuals with taxable income not exceeding $125,333, are now entitled to claim a new tax offset which is up to $530 per income year, in addition to the existing Low Income Tax Offset (‘LITO’, up to $445 per income year).

Along with existing LITO, the new LAMITO increases the effective tax-free threshold to $21,595 in 2019 income year.

The following table demonstrate how LAMITO and LITO are calculated:

Taxable Income LAMITO Tax Offset LITO Tax Offset
$0 – $37,000 $200 $445
$37,001 – $48,000 $200 + 3% of excess taxable income over $37,000 $445 – 1.5% of excess taxable income over $37,000
$48,001 – $66,666 $530 $445 – 1.5% of excess taxable income over $37,000
$66,667 – $90,000 $530 N/A
$90,001 – $125,333 $530 – 1.5% of excess taxable income over $90,000 N/A
$125,334+ N/A N/A


Small Business Income Tax Offset(‘SBITO’)

According to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enterprise Tax Plan) Act 2017, in 2019 income year, eligible individuals* can claim the tax discount as 8% of their tax liability attributable to their total net small business income, capped at $1,000.

*An eligible individual for the 2019 income years is either a Small Business Entity(‘SBE’) sole trader or a partner of an SBE partnership or a beneficiary of an SBE trust.


For more information please contact ANG Partners

Call our Income Tax Professionals: Danny or Austin

Tel: 03 9995 7261